
*DISCLAIMER: This page contains the wheel packages of Apache MXNet (incubating) build on version 1.7.0. This is mainly for the purpose of the KDD2020 Tutorial “Practical Automated Machine Learning with Tabular, Text, and Image Data”:

You may install MXNet via:

# For CPU users
python3 -m pip install -U --pre "mxnet>=1.7.0b20200713, <2.0.0" -f https://sxjscience.github.io/KDD2020/

# For GPU users, CUDA v10.0
python3 -m pip install -U --pre "mxnet_cu100>=1.7.0b20200713, <2.0.0" -f https://sxjscience.github.io/KDD2020/

# For GPU users, CUDA v10.1
python3 -m pip install -U --pre "mxnet_cu101>=1.7.0b20200713, <2.0.0" -f https://sxjscience.github.io/KDD2020/

# For GPU users, CUDA v10.2
python3 -m pip install -U --pre "mxnet_cu102>=1.7.0b20200713, <2.0.0" -f https://sxjscience.github.io/KDD2020/

To determine which CUDA version you have, execute the following in the command line: nvcc --version

Common Issues