Xingjian Shi


Founding Engineer, Boson AI

4677 Old Ironsides Drive, Santa Clara
CA 95054, United States
xshiab AT connect DOT ust DOT hk
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About Me

I'm currently building large-scale generative models at Boson AI, lead by Dr. Mu Li and Dr. Alex Smola. Before that, I was a senior applied scientist at Amazon that leads two projects: AutoGluon Multimodal and DeepEarth. AutoGluon Multimodal goes beyond traditional AutoML tools by leveraging foundation models. DeepEarth builds foundation models for earth. I obtained Ph.D degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018. My Ph.D supervisor was Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung. I received my B.E. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2014. I love open source and participated in projects like Apache/MXNet.

Research Interest

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

Academic Service

Working Experiences

Selected Awards
